Our mission is simple...

Grow food, feed people, and inspire hope.


1 In 4 Children Go Hungry

In Richmond County, 1 in 5 adults and 1 in 4 children often go hungry. For these residents food insecurity is a real and pressing issue. Many don’t have any means of transportation travel to the nearest grocery store and the food they do receive has little to no nutritional value.


Georgia's Food Hardship

According to a study by the Food Research and Action Center, Georgia ranks 9th in food hardship rates, with Augusta ranking 11th among metropolitan areas. Food hardship is defined as the inability to afford food for a family.


Augusta's Food Desert

Augusta, GA is a food desert with limited access to fresh, healthy food due to a lack of grocery stores, forcing residents to travel for better options or settle for low-nutrient, preservative-heavy foods.

We Offer A Solution


Hydroponics is the technique of growing plants using a water-based nutrient solution rather than soil, and can include an aggregate substrate, or growing media, such as vermiculite, coconut coir, or perlite.

We believe it's time for a local agricultural nonprofit to establish a self-sufficient food production system unaffected by external factors. A system created by and for the people, with the sole purpose of providing food and hope to those in need. We are working to establish a 17,000 sqft commercial greenhouse on Gordon Highway in Augusta, GA where we will be able to grow and harvest food year-round using the latest indoor growing methods.

We will use both hydroponic and aquaponic systems to take advantage of the benefits of both. Hydroponics will allow us to grow indoors year-round with large yields in a smaller square footage and an aquaponics system will allow us to harvest fish as a beneficial protein source for those in need.

Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture (farming aquatic species in a controlled environment) and hydroponics (growing plants in soil-less media). The fish are used to provide natural nutrients to the growing crop instead of adding a nutrient solution to the water.

Help us feed those in need -

As grocery prices continue to rise many family’s are finding it difficult to keep food on the table. By giving, you are providing nutritious food to vulnerable people in the Central Savannah River Area. Together, we can bring hope and support to those who need it most.

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