More confirmation from the Lord today!
About three months ago I was praying in the prayer room at Project Life, when God showed me a vision of huge tree roots growing beneath the building and a massive tree truck growing up through the center of Project Life with a canopy that covered the entire building. He told me “this is my tree of life and this is my house of refuge now and for what is to come.”
Then about three weeks ago I was praying over the land where we plan to build Nourish when God spoke again and said “this will be a well of living water that feeds my tree of life and thousands will be saved” I told a few people at Project Life about this last Wednesday.
This morning Pastor Amy announced to the Project Life Team about Nourish and what we’re planning. Sandy, a team member at PL came up to me shortly after and said she had been praying in the prayer room and wanted to tell me what God said to her. “God told me Nourish would be a river of living water that will save thousands.”
Almost word-for-word what God told me! God is so good!